When you wish upon a star
They'll say that it can't hear you
They'll tell you it's too far
But I can tell you this I know
For I've wished a wish or two
That wishes are our waking dreams
We wish our dreams come true
When you dream you dream alone
So dream aloud your greatest dream
Determine what you're shown
Very cool, Theo! Dreaming aloud is quite different in terms of conscious control (unless, you're lucid dreaming)than dreaming in REM. I think like you, for that reason, our truest, deepest dreams are evidenced by the REM kind. But, we need that conscious effort for dreaming aloud because out here, in the world, some of our fears are actually real dangers to the death of a dream. Depending on the nature of the dream; love, success, skill...I prefer the technicolor version to keep it true but safe from its demise. As a side note, guarded dreams seldom come true. Ya gotta put 'em out there. Harsh.